Friday, November 21, 2008

OK, I have figured out how to do this (Trent has anyway), so now
I can keep up with my blog. This is cooper playing peek-a-boo, it is one of the new thing he loves to do.

He is getting his hands on everything within his reach, and of course they go right in his mouth. Watch out Legos!

Here are the three crazies, posing for the camera. Brooklyn with the all too familiar "cheezer", Cooper with the "I just woke up", and Carter with the "don't bother me, I'm playing with my Legos".


Heidi said...

OH MY Goodness! I can't believe how big he is. and he looks just like Car Car. I have to show the kids in the morning!!! Thanks so much for the pictures - LOVE THEM! You are going to get addicted - but it is a good thing :) Love you all - give the kdis a squeeze!

Heidi said...

By the way..... I love Denny's profice pix :)

Heidi said...

whoops.... profile picture - love it !

arisa said...

oh my heck! how did he get so big? your kids are all so cute and growing up so much!

Eric and Maryn said...

Hi guys! I found your blog in a round about way. I hope you don't mind. Your kids are so cute! We need to keep in touch! Happy Thanksgiving!


Amber said...

Hey I hope you dont mind, I found your blog from Maryn. I went to school with Trent and just love him. I was just thinking about him the other day and was wondering how he is. You guys have such a cute family, and congrats on the new baby! Please tell Trent hi from me and happy birthday. (I know it was back on Dec 5th, but hey at least I remember...I remembered the right date, right? :) Hope you are all doing well.

Love, Amber (Reid)

Heidi said...

Blake says he likes Trents profile picture too! We are waaaaaaaaaiting for more pics! :) we miss you guys and very excited for you to come see us! We will see you in April too - HOOOOOOORAY!

pammy said...

So glad to see some pictures! I love reading everyone's blog! It keeps us all connected .. send me an email to and i will send you an invite to see some cute pictures of our new grandson oliver ...